Waste is a design flaw

Keeping items in circulation for as long as possible is key to tackling over consumption and moving towards a circular economy. At Recorra, we go beyond commercial waste recycling and help give items a new life through our Repair & Reuse services. Moving up the waste hierarchy, we take your unwanted items, repair where necessary and send them on to a new home. Even though we’ll be re-using your items, we’ll still count these towards your recycling rate. So doing your bit for the planet won’t impact your figures.

wire reuse

Reuse and Repair Services

Why use our commercial waste reuse & recycling services


Promoting the circular economy

Keeping usable items in use for longer helps promote a circular economy. This means fewer new items need to be produced, reducing our use of virgin materials.


Tackling Climate Change

By not sending materials for recycling or manufacturing new items, we are reducing energy consumption. This reduces the generation of greenhouse gasses, helping to tackle climate change.


Supporting Good Causes

Many of our commercial waste reuse & repair services are linked to good causes. Good clothing will be re-sold in Traid’s charity shops nationwide. In addition, we’ll donate a tutoring session to the Children’s Literacy Charity for every 15 PCs/laptops you give Recorra.

The Children's Literacy
IT equipment recycling

IT & Electricals

We also collect unwanted or broken IT waste and electrical items such as computers, hard drives, printers, scanners, and coffee machines. We ensure that all data bearing items are wiped with usable items sent on for repair or reuse. We also dismantle items and send parts on for re-use.

Textiles and clothing

Textiles & Clothing

The Textiles and Clothing industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, accounting for a staggering 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions. We have partnered with the charity TRAID, who sell on usable clothes within their network of charity shops. Non-usable textiles turned into items for the cleaning industry.



We collect once furniture such as desks, cabinets, and shelves through our clearance service. Any good quality items are sent on for repair or redistribution through our network of partners.