The Hidden Benefits of Dry Mixed Recycling: Cost Savings and Environmental Impact

Dry mixed recycling (DMR) is a straightforward and efficient way to handle recyclables including cardboard, paper, metal, and plastic. In a world increasingly burdened by waste, the benefits of dry mixed recycling are plentiful to the planet.  

But did you know there’s also something in it for your wallet? Recycling efficiently isn’t just an act of eco-consciousness; it’s also a smart financial and operational decision. Read on to discover the costs, both economic and otherwise, of failing to recycle properly. 

Cost Savings

An often overlooked benefit of dry mixed recycling is that it can increase your business’s profitability by reducing waste management costs. This is because there are disposal costs that come with general waste,, such as incineration, which is set to increase in 2025.  

By diverting recyclable materials into dry mixed recycling your business reduces the volume of general waste being produced. This will result in financial savings while also aligning with sustainability goals. Also, demonstrating dedication to sustainability can enhance your company’s reputation and increase customer loyalty.

Protecting the Environment

As well as monetary incentives, recycling is obviously beneficial for the planet’s sake. Recycling is critical for protecting the environment, especially as it is currently estimated that there are up to 51 trillion microplastic particles in the sea. These microplastics have a multitude of consequences; they not only pose a significant and direct threat to wildlife, but they also reduce the ocean’s carbon storage capacity and nitrogen cycling. Microplastics are now even starting to impact humans directly, with recent studies finding microplastics in our brain tissue 

Even waste that doesn’t directly pollute ecosystems is incredibly damaging to the climate. Decomposing waste in landfill sites releases methane, a greenhouse gas which traps 84% more atmospheric heat than carbon dioxide over a 20 year span. Recorra has a zero to landfill promise. We use incineration in energy from waste (EfW) facilities for waste that cannot be recycled, providing some benefit however imperfect it may be.  

Ocean Plastic

Conservation of Energy and Resources

By reprocessing materials as opposed to producing new ones, large savings of energy and resources are made. It takes the same amount of energy to make one new aluminium can as it does to recycle twenty.,  At Recorra, we offer commercial paper recycling and have a sustainable office supplies range made from the recycling we collect to help your business integrate circularity into the workplace. 

Recycling also reduces the need to mine for new materials, which frequently has extensive humanitarian and environmental consequences. Moreover, glass is infinitely recyclable, making it a super valuable resource which should be preserved when possible; read more about this here. Dry mixed recycling helps conserve energy, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and protect natural habitats from resource extraction.

Legal Obligations

Did you know that businesses in the UK actually have a legal duty to recycle? The website states the obligations that businesses have when handling commercial waste. A notable requirement for business owners is to adhere to the waste hierarchy, which states that we should do whatever we can to prevent, reuse, recycle or recover waste (in that order). Failure to comply with this can not only lead to hefty financial penalties but can also damage a business’s reputation.

Start Your Simpler Recycling Journey Today

New ‘Simpler Recycling’ legislation will be coming into action soon. From the 31st of March 2025, it will be a requirement for all UK businesses to separate their food waste and dry mixed recycling from general waste. These rules will come into effect for households too from April 1st 2026.  Moreover, from March 31st 2027, soft plastics such as snack wrappers and crisp packets will be deemed recyclable, though you can start recycling them now with Recorra’s circular box. 

Get compliant today with Recorra! With our 38 material streams, Recorra can help your business ensure a smooth transition while reaping financial and environmental benefits. Visit Recorra’s website for an instant quote and start your journey towards sustainable waste management today.  

By taking these proactive steps, you’re not only complying with upcoming regulations but also paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

Looking for Dry Mixed Recycling collections?

Whatever your waste management needs, we offer wheeled bin, compactor, and kerbside sack collections that make recycling easy. Our flexible collection options ensure that you can choose a solution that best fits your business requirements whilst maximising your recycling potential.