Recorra's ESG and Community Engagement Expansion in South Africa

The Community program at Recorra has expanded internationally, to South Africa. Hear from our ESG Project Manager, Ed van Reenen, who will be working to make a difference in a beautiful but challenged corner of the globe.

Homecoming and Establishing

Last year was huge for me; moving from London back to South Africa closing a 15-year chapter in the United Kingdom.  Setting up life back ‘home’ was also a transition from mega-city to rural farm, reconnecting with friends and family, fixing up an old wooden home and becoming a Dad. Taking a year away from work was so valuable and important as a significant breather from recycling and sustainability, which I find fascinating, but very consuming.  

I continued to look at the South African recycling & waste industry through 2024 thinking of how I could fit in and contribute. Our local municipality was in a dire position with it’s waste management. Services failed at the transfer station on black bag refuse and food waste, therefore accumulating into a huge, putrid mountain. Hundreds of tonnes of rotting rubbish in central Knysna, close to its beautiful waterways and lagoon. With this happening so close to home, I struggled to standby and remain focused on my personal imperative to make our home liveable and support my wife during her pregnancy.  

Knysa Township

Recorra’s Opportunity

At just the perfect time, Recorra made me an offer to return to work; it would enable me to lend support to our local waste management system and work with the local community at all levels. 

I started in January and have been able to focus time and energy supporting the small recycling contractors in re-starting weekly collections in our district. This has involved meeting DM Recycling several times to understand the small company’s operational capacities and establish a connection.   

Work started to obtain clarity on their recycling processes at the depot transfer station in Knysna’s industrial precinct. Seeing clean baled cardboard, plastics and metals ready for reprocessing was important to me. Furthermore, I’ve made a huge effort to engage with the local Knysna Municipality Waste Team, who are struggling to deliver core services, but also struggle to respond on communications! 

Community Partner Discovery

Recorra tasked me with finding grassroots charities with a trusted record of program delivery. We’re currently in discussions with Umthombo Trust on a support package for their youth program. I have found several of Umthombo Trust’s projects impressive; a vegetable growing allotment setup in 2020 on Homtini Farm enables Rheenendal community members to access fresh, healthy food, and surplus produce being sold to earn extra income. A boxing and martial arts club was also established for youngsters to attend weekly (which I’ve been a regular attendee). And as an income earner, subsidise the coach who’s also a fantastic role model to all.  

A pre-requisite for Recorra internationalising their community support program is establishing credible partners with sound governance and transparency in operations. We feel with Umthombo, they tick all the boxes. Being located a 15-minute drive from my home grants me oversight on their programs, with opportunities to contribute my time. The local community of Rheenendal has pressing needs for youth development and opportunities, with unemployment for 15-24 year olds in the area being at only 49%. This is additional to the need for across-the-board poverty alleviation and environmental betterment. The project manager for Umthombo, Layla Staegemann, is a skilled youth worker and coordinator with Cultural Connections . She’s become an inspiring friend and will hopefully be a project partner and mentor for Recorra in South Africa.  

South African Bins

An Exciting Journey Ahead

So please join me over the coming months where Recorra will make a difference in a challenged but beautiful corner of the globe.  Already recycling collections are taking place locally, a huge quantity of aluminium cans, glass bottles, metal and cardboard was picked up from a local restaurant. We’re at a 1000kg’s and counting! The discussions with Umthombo Trust for an exciting collaboration are moving forward and we think the ethos of honesty and mission to impact are mutually shared with Recorra.   

Exciting times ahead!  


Learn More About Recorra’s Community Initiatives Here