Plastic Bags

In 2013

Wednesday 27th November 2013

Defra have reported that “Local authorities should be responsible for enforcing the plastic bag charge due to be introduced in England in 2015” The 5p charge will be introduced as of October 2015. The ruling has been a long time coming but it did get me thinking about how we can all take responsibility. Whilst out shopping I take a reusable bag to avoid bringing home more plastic bags. Out shopping recently, not one shop asked if I would like a bag, they simply got one out and it was down to me as the consumer to say, ‘No it’s ok I have my own’. A quick Google search shows up lots of rants from people being offered bags to single items that are easy to carry or having bags “foisted” (good word!) upon them. Marks and Spencer reported that, on average, each person uses 133 plastic bags per year. In the 5 shops I went in, I turned down 5 bags. Assuming you average about 5 bags a week (in reality more if you’re doing a big food shop, have a large family etc) that’s 260 a year. Inevitably when extra charges come in, people are likely to kick back and complain.

What do you think?

Are you happy to be charged if you forget your reusable bag? Would you rather companies simply change their policy, to ask if their customers would like one? M&S have reported a staggering 81% drop in people taking plastic bags since they introduced their charge, so perhaps it is a move for the better. Let us know what you think and if you have any innovative ways to avoid using plastic bags.

Information from:… and…

Where are we now in 2024

So how successful has the 5p (now 10p!) plastic bag charge been?

According to the Guardian, as of 2023 plastic bag use has dropped 98% in England since 2015 with the average UK consumer buying only two single-use carrier bags a year.

Plastic bags were just the beginning, with a blanket ban across single use plastics introduced in 2023 – however, there are many caveat’s to this with exemptions for businesses and plastic in commercial spaces.

So how can businesses sustainably manage its plastic and commercial waste?

There are many ways to reduce your environmental impact through sustainable commercial waste management.

  • Implement effective mixed recycling
  • Invest in recycled plastics items – such as our Sustainable Office Supplies.
  • Use compostable vegware
  • Recorra’s Circular Box is an innovative was to recycle soft plastics, snack wrappers and plastic films

At Recorra we offer many services to help businesses achieve their sustainability goals and comply with ever-changing government regulations.

We have a team of dedicated consultants to help your business stay ahead of the curve, and our helpdesk is (almost) always available to answer your questions.

Get in contact today!