Weighing In on Waste: How SmartWeigh is Changing the Waste Management Game

Tuesday 24th October 2023

Within multi-tenanted commercial buildings, encouraging your occupiers to recycle more, minimise contamination and reduce waste disposal, is an age-old challenge. Also, within shared waste stores, it can be difficult to track how much recyclable materials each occupier generates and to identify contamination culprits.

Gaining accurate occupier-by-occupier waste disposal data, through on-site weighing technologies, has often been seen as the silver bullet to solving this issue. Occupier or floor-level reporting provides:

  • visibility and accountability on the recyclable materials occupiers are generating,
  • allows sites to recharge occupiers on output,
  • and improve recycling quality and quantity.

However, the on-site weighing technologies currently on the market can often be labour-intensive, expensive to purchase, and prone to error. Until now….


Recorra is proud to announce the launch of Recorra SmartWeigh, a new and easy-to-use weighing system designed to revolutionise your on-site waste management.

How did we develop SmartWeigh?

Our research started with you, our customers. We spoke to you about your on-site waste and recycling processes and called on our extensive experience to develop the Recorra SmartWeigh, with clear objectives in mind:

  1. To provide occupier-level waste management data to our customers
  2. A smarter, faster and slicker interface that is simple compared to other systems
  3. Speed up the weighing process to save time and costs
  4. A solution that offered better value for money compared to other technologies on the market
  5. A system that allowed building managers to bill occupiers based on their waste output

From here, we worked with TrackerSack to develop a bespoke system which includes the scanning of barcoded sacks and integration of the data into our existing online portal.

Our new solution was tested for 12 months with changes and tweaks made in line with client feedback.

We trialled our system at the Kings Cross Estate, one of our key customer sites. There, SmartWeigh has been in use extensively for over 12 months and has yielded fantastic results. There, recycling rates hit 75%, up from 40% in 2022.

“I would recommend SmartWeigh as the installation of equipment was seamless on-site, and training the staff to use the platform was simple and straightforward.”Will Pinder, Waste Operations Manager.

It’s now rolling out across our customer base, so take a look at how it all works below…

How does the SmartWeigh work?

The three step SmartWeigh process

Step 1 – Scan

Scan Trackersacks or weigh bins with a smartphone.


Step 2 – Weigh

Weigh the sacks and bins using the SmartWeigh scales.

Trackersack bags being weighed

Step 3 – Report

The data is automatically uploaded to Recorra’s online portal and occupier statistics are available to view alongside building-wide statistics.

Recorras reporting portal

What makes the Recorra SmartWeigh

Reccora SmartWeigh goes beyond providing better value than other solutions on the market; our system has been designed to provide an easier-to-use alternative to traditional clunky systems.

  • Better value for money than other weighing solutions
  • Saves labour time and money in comparison
  • Only system developed to incorporate barcoded TrackerSacks
  • Faster and smarter
  • App-based for use on Android and iPhones
  • Innovative and patent-pending features increase the efficiency of the weighing process
  • Produced in the UK saving on shipping costs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

If that is not enough, we have some features which are exclusive to Recorra.

SmartWeigh allows for contamination to be accurately photographed and communicated using smartphones, which can then be automatically emailed to building/office/cleaning managers.

We can also provide fixed terminals should you prefer not to use smartphones. SmartWeigh allows for weighing multiple bins simultaneously and once finished, a wrist scanner, which will enable scanning as sacks are being handled. Alongside multi-bin weighing under the SmartWeigh system, overweight notifications can notify managers when bins are overflowing.

We have designed the entire process to be seamless; from scanning and weighing a sack right through to that data upload and incorporation into our reporting portal.

Get started today

For a simple monthly fee, customers receive:

  • Rental of the equipment
  • Unlimited users of the smartphone app
  • Access to all the Recorra-exclusive features; general data storage and management
  • Equipment delivery, installation, and training
  • Ongoing maintenance in the form of annual calibrations and software updates
  • Access to the occupier module of the reporting portal

Get in touch today to speak to one of our experts and to get a quote.