Read about some of the incredible awards Recorra has won this season
Catch-up with our Net Zero Strategist, Kirsten Zoe Smith
How reducing single-use consumption can support recycling efforts.
Recorra lays out its plan to reach net zero and encourage sustainable waste management
Recorra redefines waste compaction for small businesses
Recorra's sustainable solution to green waste
Our Net Zero Strategist shares her insights from July
Catch-up with our Net Zero Strategist, Kirsten Zoe Smith
How Recorra can help your business manage your plastic waste
Our Net Zero Strategist shares insights into Recorra's journey to net zero.
What are the changes to waste legislation 2024? What are the new regulations for recycling? Do you legally have to recycle in the UK? What is the UK policy on waste? What is the UK legislation for food waste?
Recorra breaks down the issue of food waste for your business.
Why are flexible plastics hard to recycle? Are plastic bags flexible plastic? Which plastic cannot be recycled? Is flexible plastic packaging recyclable?
Women in Waste: Recorra celebrate International Women’s Day 2024
Sustainability reporting is critical to measuring sustainability performance, sharing sustainability impacts and understanding how sustainability can create value for stakeholders.
How to reduce your carbon footprint on the most romantic day of the year.
Waste management plays a critical role in climate change mitigation. Governments must look beyond landfill and energy from waste solutions to the waste companies pushing for a more sustainable future.
Recorra’s new charity partnership with Plan Zheroes is helping to reduce food poverty and food waste across London, with each food waste collection from Recorra customers.